Getting Ready for Back to School: 12 Tips for Parents and 12 for Students

The back-to-school season is a time of mixed emotions. For students, it might mean the end of carefree summer days and the return to early mornings and homework. For parents, it can be a period of relief and organization as routines fall back into place. However, whether you’re a student or a parent, you can experience a smoother and more successful transition when you plan. In this guide, we’ll explore many tips for parents and students to ensure a successful start to the school year.

For Parents: Preparing Your Child for Success

1. Establish a Routine Early

The summer break often leads to irregular sleep schedules and less structured days. Start transitioning to a school routine at least a week before the first day. Gradually adjust bedtime and wake-up times to match the school schedule. Exercises will help your child be well-rested and alert for those early classes.

2. Set Realistic Expectations

Discuss your child’s academic and extracurricular goals for the year. Encourage ambition but also emphasize the importance of balance. A well-rounded student excels academically but takes time for hobbies, socializing, and relaxation.

3. Create a Study-Friendly Environment

Designate a quiet, well-lit space for studying and homework. Remove distractions, like video games or TV, during study hours. Ensure your child has all necessary supplies, from pens and paper to a computer and internet access.

4. Get Organized

Consider purchasing a calendar or using the one on your phone to track and remind you of important dates, assignments, and extracurricular activities. Teach your child the value of time management and the satisfaction of crossing tasks off a to-do list.

5. Healthy Meals and Snacks

A nutritious diet is vital for your child’s physical and mental well-being. Plan balanced meals and snacks that provide the energy needed for school. Encourage your child to be involved in meal planning and preparation.

6. Communicate with Teachers

Establish open lines of communication with your child’s teachers. Attend back-to-school nights and parent-teacher conferences. Regularly check in with teachers via email or phone to stay informed about your child’s progress.

7. Encourage Reading

Reading is a fundamental skill that extends beyond the classroom. Please encourage your child to read for pleasure by providing a variety of books that cater to their interests. Be a reading role model yourself.

8. Teach Responsibility

Teach independence by gradually giving responsibilities to your child. Responsibility includes tasks like packing their school bag, doing their laundry and managing their schedule. These skills will serve them well in school and life.

9. Discuss Bullying and Peer Pressure

Have open conversations about bullying, peer pressure, and how to handle difficult situations. Teach your child the importance of kindness, empathy, and standing up for themselves and others.

10. Encourage Physical Activity

Physical activity is essential for overall well-being. Please encourage your child to get involved in sports or activities they enjoy. Exercising helps reduce stress and improve concentration.

11. Be Supportive

Acknowledge your child’s efforts and achievements, no matter how small. Offer support when they face challenges and emphasize that mistakes are learning opportunities.

12. Prepare for the Unexpected

Have a plan in place for unexpected events, such as illnesses or transportation issues. Make sure your child knows what to do in case of an emergency.

For Students: Preparing Yourself for a Successful School Year

1. Set Goals

Think about what you want to achieve academically and personally during the school year. Create goals that are achievable by breaking them down into smaller steps.

2. Stay Organized

Use tools like planners, calendars, or digital apps for reminders about homework, other projects, and extracurricular activities. Being organized reduces stress and helps you manage your time effectively.

3. Develop Good Study Habits

Find a study routine that works for you. Create a schedule, break your study time into manageable chunks, and use active learning techniques like summarizing material or teaching it to someone else.

4. Prioritize Self-Care

Mental and physical health helps with success in school. Get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, exercise regularly, and practice stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness or meditation.

5. Seek Help When Needed

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you’re struggling academically or emotionally. Your teachers, counselors, and parents are there to support you. Addressing issues can prevent them from becoming overwhelming.

6. Stay Engaged

Participate in class discussions, ask questions, and seek learning opportunities beyond the curriculum. Engaged students tend to excel and enjoy their studies more.

7. Manage Your Time Wisely

Learn to balance your academic responsibilities with extracurricular activities and downtime. Learning how to manage your time is a crucial skill not just for school but also later in life.

8. Embrace Technology

Use Technology as a tool for learning. Numerous educational apps and online resources can help you research, organize, and study.

9. Be Kind and Inclusive

Treat your classmates with respect and kindness. Be inclusive and reach out to those who may feel left out. Creating a positive classroom environment benefits everyone.

10. Stay Curious

Stay curious and ask questions about the subjects you’re studying. Explore topics that interest you beyond the classroom. Curiosity is the key to lifelong learning.

11. Take Breaks

Remember to take breaks during your study sessions. Use techniques like the Pomodoro method to structure your study time.

12. Be Flexible

Life can be unpredictable. Remember that setbacks are growth opportunities. If you face unexpected change, be flexible and adaptable.


The back-to-school season is an exciting time for both parents and students. By following these tips, parents can create a supportive environment for their children’s success. At the same time, students can equip themselves with the skills and mindset needed to excel academically and personally. With the proper preparation, the school year can be a time of growth, learning, and achievement for everyone involved.